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That all people have access to both the Gospel and the resources that advance God's Kingdom.


To multiply the effectiveness of the Church using aviation and other strategic technologies that conquer barriers in reaching the world for Christ.

In our global effort to conquer barriers, MAF operates the world's largest fleet of private aircraft used for the public good. An MAF aircraft either takes off or lands every four minutes. Each year those 75 aircraft log more than 40,000 flights to some 3,000 grass or dirt airstrips.

These flights support Christian workers, evangelists, and teachers; deliver food, seed, and livestock; transport sick and injured villagers; ferry doctors, medicine, and relief supplies; and, in general, carry the materials for a better life to people who need it the most... people others can't reach.

MAF's communication network links the entire world through some 33 e-mail hubs in 23 countries. Every month, millions of messages are carried through e-mail, radios, and satellite phones. Now there is no place on earth where a Christian worker has to be out of touch.

The combined resources of MAF's aviation and information technology arms serve more than 500 Christian and humanitarian organizations on five continents.

MAF is currently serving in: Burkino Faso, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, West Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Suriname, Venezuela, Albania, Central Asia, Russia, United States.